Ashley & Jeff have featured in

CFDs Made Simple Book

About the Authors

Jeff is the author of Supercharge Your Trading with CFDs and has taught 10's of thousands of traders about solid investment strategies and techniques. Jeff is a private trader and investor with a wide variety of investments in shares, CFDs, business and property.

Ashley was one of the first 10 people to open a CFD account in Australia back in 2002 and has traded shares, options, CFDs, Indices, Forex & Commodities and has been teaching and trading in the financial markets since the tech crash days in 2000.


CFDs Made Simple Risk Warning: It is important to note that CFDs are geared trading products and can result is losses far greater than your initial investment. As a result CFDs may not be suitable for everyone so you need to seek professional financial advice to determine if this product is for you. CFDs Made Simple provides general advice only and the information contained on this website has not taken into account your personal financial situation or needs. All examples given on CFDs Made Simple are for illustration purposes only. For further information please view our disclaimer and privacy policy or view our CFD Trading Tutorial.